Saturday 23 April 2011

Photo.... er... PHOTO SATURDAY!!!

So, I didn't post yesterday, but I have a really great excuse. I was up at five for the British Cheerleading Association nationals, and didn't get home till half nine. And quite frankly, all I wanted to do at that point was drink wine and draw on my self with felt tips.

Look at us being all cute. Thats not the photo, I just wanted to show you.

Back to today. Firstly, its Shakespeare's birthday, which is something we should all be celebrating, so there. National treasure and that. Secondly, it is also St George's day, and having thoroughly celebrated my Irish roots on Paddy's day, it only feels fair to get sloshed today too. Thus, we are going to make a lot of cake, and drink a lot of anything. Its the patriotic thing to do!!

But WHERE IS THE PHOTO I HEAR YOU CRY?!?!?! Probably not, you probably don't care quite that much, but I think its a lovely one, so here you go...

This is from a 1920s shoot of Alice in Wonderland. Alice was the first real part I ever played on stage, probably not an exageration to say that was when I fell in love with theatre. Its such an amazing book, an adult book for children. Holds a special little place in my heart... I have a picture on my wall and everything;

Its me and my cat, how sweet.

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